The 7 Secrets to Effective Emailing.

If you're in a business that handles much of its transactions online, you'll absolutely need to know the best path to effective emailing. To that end, we've compiled the seven secrets to effective emailing techniques that will take your email marketing from blah to brilliant.

Effective Emailing Secret #1: Start with a good list.

You could have the best email marketing strategy in the world, but if you're sending correspondence to the wrong people, you'll never see a penny of profits. For effective emailing, you need to have addressee lists of individuals who would likely be interested in your product or service. Consider slowly developing a list by asking visitors to your website to provide you with their information or purchase an existing email list from a legitimate broker.

Effective Emailing Secret #2: Have a snappy subject line.

Nothing will send your email to the rubbish bin faster than a dull subject line. Spend some time making sure you have headlines that grab, enticing the recipient to open your email immediately lest he or she miss hearing about something amazing, revolutionary, or special.

Effective Emailing Secret #3: Be succinct.

Your email recipients don't have all day to hear about how wonderful your products or services are, so keep your "sales pitch" to 100-200 words. Remember - effective emailing is all about never wasting the recipient's time with unimportant "fine print" that can be addressed on your website.

Effective Emailing Secret #4: Make text easy to skim.

Most people "skim" through emails rather than reading them thoroughly, so include plenty of headers in yours. That way, your prospects can easily find what they really want to know without having to scour through heavy text or lengthy sentences (which they won't do.)

Effective Emailing Secret #5: Avoid attachments.

Having an attachment is a big "no-no" in email marketing, as doing so will prevent your email from making it to your recipient's "in box". Either put the attachment information in the body of your email marketing item, or make it available on a website devoted to selling your wares.

Effective Emailing Secret #6: Avoid too many graphics.

Does your email take forever to load? Then you'll have virtually no luck attracting customers. For effective emailing purposes, be certain that any graphics embedded in the email text take almost no time at all to open. Better yet, leave them out for maximum effectiveness.

Effective Emailing Secret #7: Include several opportunities to link to your site.

Finally, the seventh secret to effective emailing is to always focus on the fact that you won't actually be selling anything from your email. Too many novice email marketers assume that they're trying to make a sale with their initial email; that's just not the case! What you want is to send your prospects to your website, so include several clickable links to send them to the site where you can further "wow" them with your offers.

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