CNN Money's Top 101 Dumbest Moments in Business compiled this list of the biggest blunders in the business world. Check it out and read more about each dumb moment at

1. Wal-Mart: PR campaign (WMT)
2. Northwest Airlines: '101 Ways to Save Money' guide
3. McDonald's: MP3 player giveaway (MCD)
4. GM: User-generated ad campaign (GM)
5. Kazakhstan: Currency
6. Steve Wynn: Picasso
7. New York Times Co.: Customer data (NYT)
8. Spirit Airlines: Hoffa ad campaign
9. Porter County, Ind.: Home values
10. Comcast: Cable repairman (CMCSK)
11. Starbucks: E-mail offer (SBUX)
12. Sony: Flaming computers (SNE)
13. Consumer Safety Products Commission: Laptop advisory
14. Vonage: IPO (VG)
15. Wal-Mart: Andrew Young (WMT)
16. Rising Sun Anger Release Bar: Co-workers
17. Alarm One: Team building
18. Kindergarten teacher turned stripper
19. PBS Kids Sprout network
20. Fiji Water vs. Cleveland
21. FCC in Details Magazine
22. Business Week cover
23. Microsoft: Two products - same name (MSFT)
24. B2/Raytheon: CEO's book (RTN)
25. BBC: Goma interview
26. Greyhound: Dumping incident
27. RadioShack: Layoffs (RSH)
28. National Semiconductor: Gifts (NSM)
29. Hyundai-Kia: Chairman's abject apology
30. Lone Star: Mea culpa
31. Goldman Sachs: Web site (GS)
32. TradingMarkets: Playboy stock contest
33. Heart Attack Grill: Triple bypass burger
34. Antwerp museum: Meat apparel
35. Wal-Mart: Thomas Coughlin (WMT)
36. Catawba County: Google suit
37. Thomsonfly: Lost cellphone
38. Imelda Marcos: Jewelry line
39. Greece: GDP
40. Natural Selection Foods: E.coli
41. Home Depot: Investor conference (HD)
42. MBA candidates: Cheating
43. Paris Hilton: DUI
44. New Lenox mayor: Strip-club tab
45. Cryogenics pioneers: Freezer malfunction
46. UnitedHealth: CEO options (UNH)
47. Comverse: CEO options
48. Cablevision Systems: Options
49. EnBW: Nuclear plant keys
50. H.R. Hargreaves & Son: Ham ingredients
51. Honda: Owner's manuals
52. Oracle: Larry Ellison donation (ORCL)
53. Disney: Winnie the Pooh (DIS)
54. Wal-Mart: Blog (WMT)
55. Richard Hatch: Sentenced
56. AOL: Cancellation call (TWX)
57. AOL: Search queries (TWX)
58. YouTube: Copyright infringement
59. Golden State Warriors: "Ghetto Prom"
60. Belt buckle
61. Microsoft: Google search (MSFT)
62. DDS Media: Typo
63. TextTrust: Typo
64. Welsh Dragon Sausages: Name change
65. CIA: Comedy Central ad
66. Jessica Simpson: Jeans endorsement
67. Sony PlayStation: Billboard campaign (SNE)
68. Hewlett-Packard: Pretexting (HPQ)
69. Great Britain's Royal Mail: Santa stamp
70. KRON 4: Address change
71. Bausch & Lomb: ReNu recall (BOL)
72. UCLA e-mail (AMZN)
73. Wal-Mart: Ad agency (WMT)
74. Pearson: SAT scores
75. Time Warner: Wayne Pace (TWX)
76. AirTran: Stranded passengers
77. Bank of America: Training replacements (BAC)
78. McCain Foods: Potatoes
79. Mercedes-Benz: $1.7 million lemon
80. News Corp.: "If I did it" (NWS)
81. McDonald's:"Hummer of a Summer" (MCD)
82. Online video fans:
83. TacoBell: Tainted vegetables
84. Shai: Porn star clothing
85. U.S. Mint: Metal prices
86. Wal-Mart:DVD titles (WMT)
87. AussieBum: Men's underwear
88. Mars: M&M menorahs
89. Hoboken, N.J.: Garage operator
90. Bristol-Myers Squibb: Generics deal (BMY)
91. New York: Crackheadz Gone Wild
92. Michael Eisner: Debut show
93. Stefan Eriksson: String of discoveries
94. Greenville Drive: Mascot
95. NTT: Hackers
96. UCLA: Social Security numbers
97. Home Depot: Drugs (HD)
98. Imagination 69: Treasure hunt
99. Tesco: Peekaboo Pole Dancing Kit
100. Toymaker Spin Master: Kid tattoos
101. Hasbro: Pussycat Dolls (HAS)

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