Pareto's Principle - Understanding the Power of the 80-20 Rule

Pareto was an Italian psychologist and researcher who first propounded the law of the vital few and trivial many which bears his name. Since pareto, people have used his principle to evaluate the business of life and the life of their business.

Another name for Pareto's principle is the 80/20 rule. Pareto's rule is not a scientific law; it is more of a principle which is like a theory. Therefore, it is not an exact science because psychology itself is imprecise. However, human behavior is fairly predictable based on consistent patterns. The principle is a rough guide to measure creativity, work, profit and returns. In short, you can use Pareto's principle to predict the masses, the mind, money and the markets.

Pareto's principle is not caste in stone; it is merely a rough guide to measure probability which is a powerful determinant of success or failure in life. Why? Because probability measure possibility and profitability.

Here are few examples of this principle in operation:

1. Twenty percent of the people produces what the masses (80%) consume in terms of innovative ideas, creativity and productivity (goods, services and products).

2. Twenty percent of your efforts or energy output will produce 80% of your income. Also 20% of your time will produce 80% of your work out put or income. This same thing applies to a family, team, or organization like the church where 20% of tithers carry 80% of the congregation.

3. In the marketplace, 80% of your products, goods and services can be duplicated by the masses. Only 20% of your creativity is truly unique, innovative or original which may be difficult to copy. Even then, piracy or plagiarism is possible.

4. In your search engine optimization efforts 20% is on page-optimization while 80% is off-page. Also, 20% of your overall marketing campaigns will yield 80% of your returns or income. The same thing applies to your other marketing promotions including article submissions.

5. As for your income, you can save or invest 20% and live on 80%. You can further break-down the 20% by tithing 10% to God and saving or investing the other 10%.

In a nutshell, you can work on these example and come up with more of your own. Pareto's principle can be applied to the business of your life and the life of your business.

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