How Presidential Executive Orders Can Threaten You and Your Wealth.

"Occasionally words must serve to veil the facts, but this must happen in such a way that no one becomes aware of it; or if it should be noticed, excuses must be at hand, to be produced immediately." -- Machiavelli

That is right, we are moving on to the scary world of Presidential Executive orders. There are plenty of websites and rightwing conspiracy organizations constantly warning about the many Presidential Executive Orders currently threatening the Constitution, which allow the President and the feds to run around unchecked over our constitutional freedoms, financial rights, and civil liberties.

Frankly, most of these conspiracy theories prior to 9/11 were mostly doomsday mongering and scare tactics by writers, editors, and others marketing to Americans who were more fearful of big government than any real threat. But like everything else in the United States today, these formerly inflated concerns are now real threats to your liberty and wealth. With the power of Executive Orders, the president can basically rule the nation by executive decree in times of severe emergency. These actions are difficult to prohibit legally because the powers of a president are quite broadly defined by the Constitution. According to our reading of the Constitution, it does not define or limit the power of the president to rule by executive order, except in the larger context of the Constitution in general. And we all know what the average politician or bureaucrat in Washington thinks or knows about the Constitution…nothing.

Today with threats of terrorist attacks and the possible use of weapons of mass destruction, Presidential Executive Orders are a real danger. Washington will call them what they will, but these orders are quasi-dictatorial powers given to the President for his use in times of national emergencies, such as the 9/11 attacks or the current war on terror. Although they bypass the right of Congress established by the Constitution to make laws, they would be a necessary government emergency action during a real crisis - if they were only used for this purpose.

What really happens is that these orders are published in the Federal Register and after 30 days they become law just as if they had been passed by Congress. Be aware that all of these types of non-constitutional actions, including Executive Orders, Presidential Proclamations, Presidential Declarations, and Presidential Decision Directives are considered executive orders. Some have been sealed and are not even publicized to Congress.

Here is a list of some of the original executive orders that have been issued by presidents of the United States. They provide unprecedented authority at the president's disposal that he can enforce during a national crises. He can declare a national emergency for any reason whether the American people or Congress agree or not. This frightening power gives the president the unlimited power of a dictator in the event of a real or contrived crisis situation. You can see the potential for tyranny here if these unconstitutional powers are used in the wrong way. Remember-- the president would also have total control of the armed forces to enforce executive orders.

Order # Authority Granted to the President
10995 Right to seize all communications media in the United States
10997 Right to seize all electric power, fuels and minerals, both public and private
10999 Right to seize all means of transportation, including personal vehicles of any kind and total control of highways, seaports and waterways
11000 Right to seize any and all American people and divide families in order to create work forces to be transferred to any place the government sees fit.
11001 Right to seize all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private
11002 Right to force registration of all men, women and children in the United States
11003 Right to seize all air space, airports and aircraft
11004 Right to seize all housing and finance authorities in order to establish "Relocation Designated Areas" and to force abandonment of areas classified as "unsafe".
11005 Right to seize all railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities, both public and private
11051 This gives the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning the right to put Executive Orders into effect in "times of increased international tension or financial crisis."
11490 Enforces Presidential power over all US citizens, businesses and even houses or worship during "an emergency".
11921 Allows the feds to seize control over education, welfare, mechanisms of production and distribution, energy, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money to and from American financial institutions and to do this under total or partial censorship of the press. 12919 Provides the president the authority to seize and allocate all public and private materials, services, facilities, food, farm equipment, fertilizer, construction materials, energy and all forms of civilian transportation.
13010 Orders the Federal Emergency Management Agency to assume control over all government agencies during an emergency.
13011 Created a national information system to control all U.S. citizens by linking data from all government agencies into a single database.

The same could be said for organizations and individuals on the far left and right spectrums of American politics. What if the political establishment choose to target an innocent domestic group in order to destroy their wealth and political power. Foreign governments and citizens, as well as non-establishment Americans, have much to fear from the threat of fabricated attacks, false blame, and the resulting confiscation of assets.

Presidential Decision Directives (PDD) Are Even More Frightening

Presidential Decision Directives are additional presidential powers that do not even have to be published in the Federal Register and are not a matter of public record. Most of these concern national security and are used to provide guidance on these issues to the National Security Council (NSC).

What should concern Americans and foreign investors in the USA are two relatively recent PDD’s, which are linked to Executive Order 12919 above because they relate to "services". Services sounds innocuous enough until you realize they include telecommunications, energy, finance, transportation and all emergency services.

President Clinton signed both Presidential Decision Directive #62 concerning "Combating Terrorism" and #63 which relates to "Protecting America's Critical Infrastructure". It is important to remember that both of these two directives were issued prior to 9/11 but would come into action if, as we believe, Islamic terrorists launch a successful WMD attack against New York City and our financial infrastructure. PDD #63 established the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), which includes the FBI, Secret Service and all other federal agencies.

This directive gives the control of all “critical infrastructures”-- from telecommunications, which includes regular and express mail, phones, e-mail, the Internet and provisions for the interception and monitoring of all such communications, to energy, transportation, banking and finance, and even the NIPC. Even private businesses involved in critical infrastructure will be "strongly encouraged" to share information with NIPC. Everything is then reported directly to the National Security Advisor, thus making the information and records classified.The stage is now set for the implementation of a total police state in America. All that needs to happen is another major terrorist attack.

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