The 20 Commonly Mispronounced Words.

Commonly Mispronounced Words

* aegis: ee-jis, not ay-jis
* asterisk: as-ter-isk, not as-ter-ik
* alumnae: a-lum-nee, not a-lum-nay
* archipelago: ar-ki-PEL-a-go, not arch-i-pel-a-go
* athlete: ath-leet, not ath-a-leet
* candidate: kan-di-dayt, not kan-i-dayt
* chimera: kiy-MEER-a, not CHIM-er-a
* disastrous: di-zas-tres, not di-zas-ter-es
* electoral: e-LEK-tor-al, not e-lek-TOR-al
* etcetera: et-set-er-a, not ek-set-er-a
* lambaste: lam-bayst, not lam-bast
* larvae: lar-vee, not lar-vay
* library: li-brar-y, not li-bar-y
* mischievous: MIS-che-vus, not mis-CHEE-vee-us

* mispronunciation: mis-pro-nun-see-ay-shun, not mis-pro-nown-see-ay-shun
* nuclear: noo-klee-ur, not noo-kyu-lur
* nuptial: nup-shul, not nup-shoo-al
* primer: (schoolbook) prim-mer, not pry-mer
* picture: pik-cher, not pit-cher
* prescription: prih-skrip-shun, not per-skrip-shun
* prerogative: pre-rog-a-tive, not per-rog-a-tive
* peremptory: per-emp-tuh-ree, not pre-emp-tuh-ree
* probably: prob-a-blee, not pra-lee or prob-lee
* Realtor: reel-ter, not ree-la-ter
* supposedly: su-pos-ed-lee, not su-pos-ab-lee
* spurious: spyoor-ee-us, not spur-ee-us
* ticklish: tik-lish, not tik-i-lish
* triathlon: try-ath-lon, not try-ath-a-lon

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